RG Hamburg 2023/04: Azure Data & ChatGPT Developer Event
Hi, Data Folks from Hamburg!
This will be an entire evening of content on developer-related topics in the Microsoft cloud space.
And for the first time, we cooperate with the .net Usergroup Hamburg! (https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/hamburg-c-net-meetup/)
We will keep our Hanseatic-Mini-Conference concept and have at least three experts on the topic again.
And afterward, we will have a panel discussion, where you can ask all the experts present questions.
And we will offer you, in cooperation with JetBrains, the opportunity to win 1-year licenses of their great IDE products.
And as usual, cold drinks will be available again. Thanks to Microsoft!
Reserve your seat today!
- 18:00 Open door and warm up networking round
- 18:15 Intro
- 18:30 Azure Service Bus to Azure SQL DB – handling lots of incoming messages with a “slow” system (30min) Dirk Seifert
- 19:00 Break (15min)
- 19:15 (Realtime) Data Streaming using PowerBI and native Azure Services (15min) Carsten Oppitz
- 19:30 Break (15min)
- 19:45 ChatGPT for developers (45min) Sia Ghassemi
CEO/CTO, Microsoft Azure MVP - 20:30 Panel Discussion with all experts
- 21:00 The End… Hamburg’s city center offers many other opportunities for further networking. 😉
Azure Service Bus to Azure SQL DB – handling lots of incoming messages with a “slow” system.
In our use-case we’re getting messages for new and updated customers from an Azure Service Bus and have to update our customer database accordingly. With many messages arriving, this can be challenging because compared to the potential throughput of the Service Bus, our SQL DB is comparatively “slow”. I will show how a service bus triggered Azure Function can be used to handle SB messages and some strategies we employed in this specific case to filter and serialize messages as well as make the DB interactions as fast as possible.
Dirk Seifert is a Senior Software Engineer at Obungi GmbH, Hamburg. As a Microsoft partner, Obungi provides solutions for data and AI and custom business solutions using MS Azure.
(Realtime) Data Streaming using PowerBI and native Azure Services Many PowerBI users are not aware that the PowerBI Service does provide out-of-the-box solution for visualizing Streaming data. In the session I’ll present an architecture that uses native Azure Services (IOT Hub, Azure Functions) in conjunction with PowerBI’s Push Dataset technology and pros and cons of that solution.
Hi, my name is Carsten and work as a Business Intelligence Engineer at inovex mainly on MS Azure platform. I’m passionate about anything related to Azure, SQL Server and API development.
ChatGPT for developers
For months there has been a huge hype around ChatGPT. Since the first presentation last year, many users have already chatted with the bot and are very enthusiastic. However, as we all know, there are downsides to such AI bots. The information is not always reliable or correct, so we have to be very careful when dealing with these AIs.
Tools like Copilot have made the lives of many developers nicer and many have also felt more productive since then.
Since then, the question „How can I use ChatGPT in my own software and over my data?“ has come up. Whether as a bot in various channels, such as Teams, Slack, etc. or as an interface in my own software, how do I get ChatGPT to answer questions about my data or execute instructions? OpenAI and Microsoft have now provided APIs for precisely these tasks, and these are already running with the new version „GPT 3.5 turbo“.
As soon as you start looking for examples or SDKs, you will quickly realize that most of the examples and SDKs are in Python. As a developer, you have to completely immerse yourself in the topic of data science to be able to understand the examples.
In this session, we will look at the programming model for GPT and ChatGPT and then look at examples and frameworks that make developer life easier.
20355 | Hamburg
Axel-Springer-Platz 3
PASS Hannover & Markus Raatz – SQL Server 2022 meine Highlights
Streng subjektiv hat sich Markus für uns seine absoluten Highlights im neuen SQL Server herausgepickt:
• Managed Instance Links
• Synapse Link für SQL
• Intelligent Query Processing
• Time Series
• Ledgertabellen
Und ja, wer genau hinschaut sieht, dass dieses Mal durchaus auch etwas für die Cloud Fraktion mit dabei ist.
Wichtig: Wegen der aktuelle räumlichen Situation ist die Teilnehmerzahl auf 12 begrenzt. Deshalb bitte anmelden auf MeetUp PASS Hannover
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