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Liebe Datamonster,

es ist soweit, wir treffen uns wieder:
Am 17.10.2022 – hybrid bei ML!PA (mit Maske und Impf-/Genesungsnachweis) in der Fredersdorfer Straße 10 und online per Teams.

Als special Guest haben wir dieses Mal Sascha Dittmann bei uns, der uns mit seinem Databricks-Wissen erstaunen wird. Das Kommen lohnt sich also auf jeden Fall.

Es freuen sich Georg, Markus & Ben


A few years ago, Databricks made its mark on the Data Lakehouse architecture.
– But what exactly is behind it?
– How is it different from a data lake or a data warehouse?
– What are the advantages of the data lakehouse?
– What should I pay attention to?
Sascha Dittmann will answer these and similar questions in this session. Using various code examples, he will also take a look under the hood of the technologies used.

Databricks is a first-class managed service on Microsoft Azure and well integrated with other Azure building blocks. AWS and Google also offer a Databricks service.

So – if you are interested in Databricks – independent from being a Microsoftie, AWS guy oder Googler: Join our session!

The event will take place on site and will be broadcast live online using Teams at the same time, link:


Sascha Dittmann

Sascha Dittmann is a Customer Engineer (Smart Analytics) at Google Cloud. In his role, he supports customers in implementing successful cloud solutions. His focus is on Advanced Analytics / Big Data, IoT as well as Data Science. Prior to joining Google in 2021, he worked as a Cloud Solution Architect at Microsoft for 6 years, as well as at Ernst & Young as a Software Developer (13 years) and Solution Architect (3 years). He is the author of several technical articles and a regular speaker at user groups and conferences.


Fredersdorfer Straße 10,10243,Berlin,DE
ML!PA Consulting GmbH
Fredersdorfer Straße 10
10243 Berlin

Zum Kalender hinzufügen.


Profilbild von Ben Ben Kettner
Profilbild von Markus Markus Raatz


Online bookings are not available for this event.