Allgemeine Informationen
Liebe Datamonster,
es ist soweit, wir treffen uns wieder:
Am 17.10.2022 – hybrid bei ML!PA (mit Maske und Impf-/Genesungsnachweis) in der Fredersdorfer Straße 10 und online per Teams.
Als special Guest haben wir dieses Mal Sascha Dittmann bei uns, der uns mit seinem Databricks-Wissen erstaunen wird. Das Kommen lohnt sich also auf jeden Fall.
Es freuen sich Georg, Markus & Ben
A few years ago, Databricks made its mark on the Data Lakehouse architecture.
– But what exactly is behind it?
– How is it different from a data lake or a data warehouse?
– What are the advantages of the data lakehouse?
– What should I pay attention to?
Sascha Dittmann will answer these and similar questions in this session. Using various code examples, he will also take a look under the hood of the technologies used.
Databricks is a first-class managed service on Microsoft Azure and well integrated with other Azure building blocks. AWS and Google also offer a Databricks service.
So – if you are interested in Databricks – independent from being a Microsoftie, AWS guy oder Googler: Join our session!
The event will take place on site and will be broadcast live online using Teams at the same time, link:
Sascha Dittmann
Sascha Dittmann is a Customer Engineer (Smart Analytics) at Google Cloud. In his role, he supports customers in implementing successful cloud solutions. His focus is on Advanced Analytics / Big Data, IoT as well as Data Science. Prior to joining Google in 2021, he worked as a Cloud Solution Architect at Microsoft for 6 years, as well as at Ernst & Young as a Software Developer (13 years) and Solution Architect (3 years). He is the author of several technical articles and a regular speaker at user groups and conferences.
Online bookings are not available for this event.