RG Berlin
22.06.2023 (00:00)

ABGESAGT WEGEN KRANKHEIT Sommer-Treffen der RG Berlin 2023

Liebe Datamonster, leider ist Christoph krank geworden, wir müssen unser Treffen daher leider absagen. Wir bemühen uns um einen Ersatztermin mit Christoph. 

Am 22.06. wird Christoph Seck bei ML!PA Consulting in der Fredersdorfer Str. 10 darüber sprechen, wie man mit Data Governance den Wert von Daten steigern und Risiken minimieren kann.

Kommt zu diesem spannenden Vortrag, um alles über Data Governance auf der Microsoft Data Plattform zu lernen.

Es freuen sich auf euch Markus & Ben

Dear Datamonsters, unfortunatley Christoph is sick, that means we will unfortunatley have to cancel our meeting. We are working on finding a new date for Christoph to join us in Berlinl. 

On June 22nd, Christoph Seck will present at ML!PA Consulting in Fredersdorfer Str. 10 about how to increase the value of data and minimize risks with data governance.

Join this exciting lecture to learn all about data governance in the Microsoft data platform.

Markus & Ben are looking forward to seeing you

RG Stuttgart
22.06.2023 (18:00)

Real-Time Reporting mit Power BI und Databricks // A new car is in town – Apache Airflow in der Azure Data Factory

Wir freuen uns, endlich wieder Gruppen-Treffen bei Microsoft in Stuttgart anbieten zu können. Zum Neustart konnten wir gleich zwei Speaker mit zwei spannenden Vorträgen gewinnen.

Wir bitten um eine Anmeldung für das Gruppentreffen, um eine entsprechende Planung vornehmen zu können.

Michael Niethammer: mni(at)sqlpass.de
Jochen Stein: jst(at)sqlpass.de

Microsoft Stuttgart
70563 | Stuttgart
Meitnerstrasse 9
RG Hamburg
22.06.2023 (18:00)

RG Hamburg 2023/06: More about Microsoft Fabric @Microsoft Hamburg

Hi, Data Folks from Hamburg!

This will be an entire evening of content on a more deep dive in „Microsoft Fabric“!

We will keep our Hanseatic-Mini-Conference concept and have at least two experts on the topic.

And afterward, we will have a panel discussion, where you can ask all the experts present questions.

And we offer you, in cooperation with JetBrains, the opportunity to win 1-year licenses of their products.

And as usual, cold drinks will be available again.

Reserve your seat today!

  • 18:00 Open door and warm up networking round
  • 18:15 Intro
  • 18:30 The Data Mess in Fabric for the Data Engineer Brian Bønk
    Principal Architect Data & Analytics (Fellowmind)
  • 19:20 Break (20min)
  • 19:40 OneLake & DirectLake – GameChanger for Tabular Models: „What is OneLake & DirectLake and why will it revolutionize the BI world?“ (Obungi)
  • 20:30 Panel Discussion with all experts
  • 21:00 The End… Hamburg’s city center offers many other opportunities for further networking. 😉

The Data Mess in Fabric for the data engineer.
In this session, I will guide you through the Data Engineering experience in Fabric. With a myriad of architecture blueprints and live demos on how to build, integrate and develop your data warehouse or data lake as a Data Engineer. After this session, I will hopefully have demystified the Fabric universe and given you tools and approaches to try it out yourself.

See you
Conny and Sascha

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