In-memory OLTP – non clustered hash vs. range index
Als Teil der In-Memory-OLTP-Engine hat Microsoft
zwei neue Indextypen eingeführt
– den Non-Clustered-Hash und den Range-Index.
Beide Indizes unterscheiden sich grundlegend von den On-Disk-Indizes und beide Indizes dienen einem anderen Zweck.
In dieser Session (level 300) werden wir uns die beiden In-Memory-Indextypen ansehen, um zu verstehen, wie sie aufgebaut sind und wann der
nicht gruppierte Hash-Index dem Range Index vorzuziehen ist und umgekehrt.
60528 | Frankfurt
Herriotstraße 1
Power BI Design: Thinking Outside the Box
Designing a Power BI dashboard can be challenging. While Power BI is a powerful tool for data visualization, many people are hesitant to move away from traditional report design. This session will show you how to think outside the box and create dashboards that grab your audience’s attention.
Topics covered:
- The challenges of designing Power BI dashboards
- Different design options for Power BI dashboards, such as infographics, dark mode, minimalism, and interactivity
- How to choose the right design for your audience
- Effective color choices for Power BI dashboards
- Design best practices
Who is this session for?
This session is for anyone who wants to learn how to create more visually appealing and impactful Power BI reports. You do not need massive Power BI experience to follow along.
By the end of this session, you will be able to:
- Understand the benefits of using a different design for your Power BI reports
- Chose the right design for your audience
- Understand the basics of design principles and how to use them in Power BI
- Sell your ideas to the business and get approval for your designs
Link to join: Hier klicken, um an der Besprechung teilzunehmen
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